Fear is a funny thing. Funny as in odd. But also… funny; as evidenced in this conversation about fear of all kinds. We’re reminiscing about childhood fears, family stories about spooky events, and movies that scared us. We share some cry-inducing laughs over scaredy-cat moments in our relationship. We also dive into fears such as anxiety, insecurities + self-doubt, fear of the more devastating kind, and so on.
Listen if:
- Have a good laugh, or a few
- Learn how to make friends with your fear
- Be encouraged to let go of what you can’t control
- Become braver
Misty said:
Fear can be a friend if we allow it to guide us with our intuition and wisdom. Tweet This
Sometimes it’s the trivial fears that keep us from a lot of good things in our lives. Tweet This
We manifest things out of our fear just like we manifest things out of our belief. Tweet This
Randy said:
I figured they knew there was a sacrifice just a few minutes away and they were going to come get me. Obviously. Tweet This
I would always just put my nose, mouth, and eyes outside the covers so I could breathe cool, refreshing air. Tweet This
You can judge me if you want, Podcast World. Tweet This
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