The root of creativity must be nurtured and tended to if you long for it to grow into something meaningful and prolific. And maybe “nurturer” is one of most accurate titles that could be given to Annie Kate Jones. It’s hard to define Annie and that’s a good thing. She is a dreamer + writer + illustrator + friend + mentor. She prefers to focus on the qualities she wishes to possess rather than titles or description. Annie has been an artist of words since middle school and continues to grow in various creative expressions. Our conversation with her is tinted with wisdom and wonder and we chat about education, innovation, collaboration, creative empathy, poetry, Seinfeld, music, and how a Love List rescued some of us from the jaws of depression.
Annie said:
Space for innovation; you need space for developing your personal language and how you approach life. Tweet This
There’s a space within us where language is throbbing at every hour of every day; when you tap into it, it will sound unlike anyone else. Tweet This
There will never be one language for heartbreak and depression. Tweet This
Misty said:
Ideas can come from how to interact with things instead of just how to create them. Tweet This
Poetry is more than cathartic, it can open a deep well of expression and character. Tweet This
Randy said:
Creativity is often pushed aside in education because we can’t measure it. *If we can’t measure it, we don’t need it.* (<sarcasm) Tweet This
35: What a Wonderful World with Aric S. Queen
Oklahoma Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain
Heaven or Las Vegas by Cocteau Twins
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